Let’s discover your “Golden Path”



Every face is unique such as the owner’s personality and character. Your face has lines, markings, colorations, micro-expressions and changes that all reflect various aspects of the health, personality, state of mind, inherent talents and even, your life purpose.

Face Reading is an Ancient Chinese Art form. It was originally part of a Taoist alchemical practice to return us to our “Original Face”, or true nature. Face Reading can also uncover health imbalances, blocked energies and stuck emotional traumas that desire to be released; our face reveals everything about us. Garnering the knowledge to face read enables you to see yourself, and others, with clarity and with more understanding.

Let’s discover together the ROOT CAUSE of your symptoms, and bring you back into balance.

You are more than a combination of symptoms or a diagnosis. You’re a whole being who deserves to share her story and make the connections that bring you into harmonious health.

  • Trauma, stress, lack of sleep, anxiety and feelings of being ungrounded can be released from the body so you feel at home in the body again.

  • Environmental exposures, Mold, Lyme, Parasites or chemical exposures are challenges that need to be released to feel our best.

  • Genetic and epigenetic stories from our ancestors are a part of how our body expresses its health, let’s listen to the stories so you can heal.

How will we achieve this?


Making sure that your bodies ability to detoxify and release is working its best.

Making sure that your bodies ability to detoxify and release is working its best.


Making sure that your bodies ability to detoxify and release is working its best.


Making sure that your bodies ability to detoxify and release is working its best.


What my patientes are saying…

  • "Deirdre is an absolutely remarkable acupuncturist. Deirdre has a wonderful gift to share and is so generous sharing these gifts throughout her acupuncture sessions. As many issues and ailments I show up with, Deirdre listens deeply with patience and compassion. Throughout the session, she calmly and confidently works on these areas, often times adjusting her methods . She has what seems like an infinite amount of knowledge from many different areas of schooling. I am always impressed with Deirdre’s constant study and deep research of the body and healing. I have benefited from many years of Deirdre acupuncture . I find each session is a gift. She has helped alleviate so many issues of pain and helped me cope with numerous chronic conditions. I feel quite blessed to be under her care.“

    L. G.

  • "What a great gift i gave to myself. I am 68 and have had group therapy for many years and individual therapy for many years as well. I loved my therapists who were very supportive and informative and eventually they retired. But, Deirdre was different. With her method i went straight to the core of my issues and received very specific information and support for my inner child. Wow, i started dealing with myself in such a loving way after only 2 sessions. I am watching my life change with myself as well as with others. Thank you Deirdre 🙏"

    J. Z.

  • “Deirdre is one of the most gifted healers I’ve ever been blessed to work with, balancing equal parts knowledge, skill, intuition and compassion. Her presence is grounded and spiritually uplifting. She is someone that I fully trust and whose expertise has greatly contributed to my healing. She has mastery over many modalities, and in one acupuncture session might also incorporate hypnosis, craniosacral therapy, cupping, and herb or supplement recommendations depending upon the need of the day. She has been a lifeline in helping me to recuperate from a serious car accident and from the fatigue of new motherhood. Her sessions have also inspired deeper levels of healing and spiritual growth. I can’t recommend her highly enough!"

    S. C.

In our sessions together you’ll feel empowered and knowledgeable about your unique health story and have the tools to navigate any challenges.

3 Sessions recommended

  • Intake and personalized heath assessment

  • Looking over past Lab Reports (I do not order labs, but can read and help demystify lab reports)

  • Personalized nutrition, herbal and supplements recommendations.

  • Comprehensive strategy to address your needs: this may include Recipes, Herbal, Supplemental supports, Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy, Face Reading and Meditations.

60-minute, 1-on-1 sessions

My mission is to help women flourish.

Allow me to be your guide on the journey towards embodied healing


I have been fascinated with health and healing since I fell in love with a dog when I was 19. This interest has taken me down some wonderful paths that have lead me here, offering you what I have learned and integrated into a unique healing experience for you.

After spending many years working with animals as a Veterinary Nurse, I graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 2010 with a focus in Japanese styles, Orthopedic and chronic pain management, and was the recipient of the compassionate healer award.

Since then, I have been continuing to learn from my patients and teachers about how to provide the most comprehensive and deeply healing experience for my patients.

I believe that by exploring our bodies messages to us through symptoms such as pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances and mood changes, we can uncover our authentic, healthy, and fully embodied selves.

Let’s explore together and uncover your naturally radiant and healthy being.

They asked her,

“How do you love yourself well?”

She answered:

“Make your well-being and healing a top priority. Have the courage to create boundaries that will support your flourishing. Listen closely to your intuition, respect your need for rest and connect with people who are emotionally mature. Being intentional with your life is loving yourself well”

Yung Pueblo | conscious living

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. Testing is not something I need to do at my practice to determine the root causes of your pain, symptoms, and/or health issues. I save you the additional cost, time, and energy associated with testing, and get right to the root causes. If there are current or past test results you would like to send me you are welcome to do so. Many of my clients will send me records and test results from other doctors for me to interpret and consider as we create a path to guide you to heal yourself and reclaim your everlasting health and wellness.

  • I work with anyone, anywhere. My practice changed from in-person to 10% online when the pandemic began. Since then, I’ve worked with clients all over the world including the Ireland, Brazil… All the sessions are on Zoom if you are not able to go to my acupuncture office in Brattleboro, VT.

  • The pathway to begin working together is by booking a consultation. If we are a good fit for each other and if there is currently room in the practice…

  • Yes, and these expenses will depend on the unique healing plan that is created for you. I will give recommendations that include supplements and nutritional guidance which will require additional purchases. Support will be provided in making these investments for your health. I meet each client and patient exactly where they are, and we will work together to determine a plan that is feasible for you.

  • No, I am a private, woman owned practice and I don't work with insurance companies at this time. This is in the best interest of my clients and patients. I don't want the partnerships I form with those I serve to be impacted by outside health care entities, such as insurance companies. Payment is expected at the time of your appointment. Payment may be made online by credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, AmEx), PayPal, or direct bank account transfer.

    Also, I offer monthly payment plans for my program packages.

  • Absolutely. This is one of my main areas of expertise.

  • Yes. Each person is a unique individual and what each person needs, even those with similar health issues, is completely different. Some clients come to my practice and their goal is to target and heal all of the health issues they are dealing with at once. While some clients want to just focus on one issue, heal it, and then move on to the next.

Functional Medicine is the Science backed and Spirit supporting Medicine of the Future.

Get ready to experience your life like never before, felling relaxed, refreshed and at your best.